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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment and New Hope

By Digestion and Digestive Disorders

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder in which abdominal pain is associated with a range of symptoms. Typically, these include intermittent abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, or alternating episodes of both. Other symptoms may also be present. IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States. About 2 in 3 IBS sufferers are female. About…

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By Thyroid

In the first article we discussed how the thyroid works,  the common symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and two thyroid conditions that are actually autoimmune problems not thyroid problems. In this next part we will go into cover understanding thyroid panels and The influence of thyroid hormones on physiology and metabolic function This is EXACTLY why your thyroid NEEDS to function…

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Thyroid Hormones & Alternative Treatments - Total Health Center VB

Thyroid Hormones and Alternative Treatments for Thyroid Conditions

By Thyroid
Inside This Article You’ll Discover… The Most Common Reasons Women Get Thyroid Problems How to Tell if You Might Have a Thyroid Condition Why Some Thyroid Conditions are Reversible How to Determine if Your Doctor is Doing Everything Possible to Fix Your Thyroid Condition (Most are Not) New Advancements in the Treatment of Thyroid Conditions Why You May Not Need...
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Goitrogenic Foods and Thyroid Health

Goitrogenic Foods and Thyroid Health

By Thyroid
Goitrogens are compounds found naturally in certain plants. Animal studies suggest these foods may interfere with uptake of iodine, essential to thyroid function. Without sufficient iodine, the pituitary releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and promotes the growth of thyroid tissue, which eventually leads to enlargement of the gland, or goiter. If the goiter grows large, it can interfere with the trachea...
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Iodine and Thyroid Health | Total Health Center VB

Iodine and Thyroid Health

By Thyroid
Using iodine to treat Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease is a highly debatable topic. This article explores differing opinions and clears up many of the misconceptions associated with this treatment. What Is Iodine? Iodine is a trace mineral found naturally in some foods and added to others. It is essential for metabolism and normal thyroid function. The idea iodine treatment is...
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How Vitamin D Affects the Thyroid | Total Health Center VB

How Vitamin D Affects Thyroid Conditions

By Thyroid
Vitamin D is well-known for its importance in managing calcium in the gut, bones, and blood and disease resistance. However, many studies now show vitamin D levels affect may be a contributing factor in many other health issues too. Researchers now believe it plays a crucial role in how cells communicate. Clinical studies link abnormal vitamin D levels to colon,...
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How Reverse T3 Affects Thyroid Under Conversion | Total Health Center VB

How Reverse T3 Affects Thyroid Under Conversion

By Thyroid
Over 40 thyroid dysfunctions exist. The medical community divides these dysfunctions into 6 major patterns: 1) Primary hypothyroidism, 2) hypothyroid due to hypo pituitary, 3) thyroid under conversion, 4) thyroid over conversion, 5) thyroid binding globulin elevation, and 6) thyroid hormone resistance. This article focuses on the third - thyroid under conversion. Thyroid Under Conversion Normally, the thyroid gland converts...
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Gut Health Thyroid | Total Health Center VB

How Gut Health Affects Thyroid Autoimmune Disorders

By Thyroid
Hippocrates once said, “All disease starts in the gut,” and as clinical evidence pours in it confirms this is often very true. Many people are not aware of the connection between the health of the gut and their immune system. A 2009 article published Seminars in Immunology estimates “around 80% of all IgA-antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) reside in the gut mucosa”...
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Can You Treat Thyroid Disorders Naturally? | Total Health Center

Can You Treat Thyroid Disorders Naturally?

By Thyroid
Thyroid disorders often negatively impact a patient’s quality of life. They can affect a patient’s energy level, mood, weight, digestive system, libido, sleep cycle, and more. Besides that, conventional treatment protocols often include prolonged use of synthetic medications or even surgery, in certain cases. It’s not surprising many patients with thyroid disorders look for natural alternatives. The most common forms...
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