Relief in Virginia Beach

At the Total Health Center we have been treating back and neck pain and related problems since 1996. We utilize the safest, most effective methods available, incorporating chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, physical rehabilitation, and other modalities – all coordinated by our clinic director Dr. Scott.

You can be confident that your condition will be treated professionally. Dr. Scott is trained to know what is the fastest and safest way to get you back to doing what you do – pain free.

Neck Pain, Back Pain Virginia Beach - Total Health Center VB

Remember you are in good hands. Not only do we utilize the best methods in our office, we have a relationship with some of the best doctors in the area. If Dr. Scott feels you need an orthopedic consult or a neurological consult, we will get you an appointment with the best in the area! Our main concern is your health. Neck Pain, Back Pain Free Consultation

Call 757-363-8571 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott today! We look forward to helping you feel better.

How People Got Relieved From Neck pain & Back pain