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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #4

By Diabetes
It’s Not Just Your Pancreas! The pancreas is not the only organ that controls blood sugar. Many diabetes think that the pancreas is the sole organ involved with their diabetes because of insulin.  Remember that Insulin is inflammatory, it causes inflammation! The pancreas does make insulin---’s not the only organ in your body that is vital in regards to your…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #5

By Diabetes
Know the Side Effects of Metformin (Glucophage) !   Metformin has some serious side effects.  I am NOT telling you to stop taking the medication, I am telling you to be aware of what it is doing to your body. Side Effects of Metformin (aka.Glucophage) : MALAISE: 10%- 25% of people who take Glucophage just don't feel well. They experience…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #6

By Diabetes
GET YOUR THYROID TESTED…NOW!   I have treated thousands of diabetic patients over the years and I have yet to see a diabetic patient in which there thyroid wasn’t involved at some level!  Think about it, your thyroid controls your body metabolism, it HAS TO BE INVOLVED! Most likely, your M.D. has only ordered only one thyroid test, which is…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #7

By Diabetes
You Could Have An Autoimmune Condition!   Autoimmunity is the hidden cause of diabetes for 25% of Type 2 diabetics! The “official” term is latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus of adults (LADA). An autoimmune condition is where your immune system is attacking a part of your body, and in your case, it is most likely attacking your adrenal gland and/or your…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #8:

By Diabetes
How to know if you are autoimmune! How do you know if you're autoimmune?  How do you know if your immune system is attacking your body?  Well…in Success Secret #5, we talked about the fact that we run tests, specifically TPO and TGB antibodies, to see if you have an autoimmune thyroid or Hashimoto's thyroiditis, along with the immune panels.…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #9:

By Diabetes
Know the Autoimmune Triggers! One of the most common questions I get is…”How did I develop this autoimmune condition?” Well…it's pretty much genetics and the environment.  It's a matter of what came first, the chicken or the egg?  We all know that genetically, you may be at risk for developing certain problems and/or conditions.  If your mom had a thyroid…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #10

By Diabetes
HORMONES! The regulation of hormones plays an important role in your health.  For example, Prolactin is a hormone that’s made by your pituitary gland.  High levels of prolactin suppress TSH or Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone.  Prolactin is balanced by progesterone and dopamine, so when people have a dopamine deficiency, or progesterone deficiency, their prolactin will increase, and that will decrease the function…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #11:

By Diabetes
Anemias   What if the patient isn’t autoimmune? Since there are a small percentage of patients that are not autoimmune, what else could be causing the problem? Anemia is the answer!  Anemia in and of itself is a deal-breaker for nutritional support of any kind, including diabetic support, since anemia literally starves your body of oxygen. Oxygen is very important…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #12:

By Diabetes
Brain Function As I have mentioned in other secrets, brain function is extremely important in treating diabetes.  The brain controls every bodily function.  Your pituitary drives the thyroid gland.  It releases TSH.  The part of your brain called the hypothalamus drives the pituitary. Our brain needs two things to survive:  fuel and activation. Fuel is glucose and oxygen, which is…
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Diabetes Treatment Success Secret #13:

By Diabetes
The evils of GLUTEN! Gluten is one of the biggest culprits in causing an autoimmune thyroid that I see in my office.  Therefore, it is EXTREMELY important to be tested properly for gluten sensitivity.  In our office, we run a food sensitivity test from a lab called Enterolab.  It is a lab test for sensitivity to gluten, milk, soy, egg…
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