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Fibromyalgia Treatment Success Secret #6:

By March 6, 2011September 14th, 2019No Comments


Prolactin is a hormone that’s made by your pituitary gland.  High levels of prolactin suppress TSH or Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone.  Prolactin is balanced by progesterone and dopamine, so when people have a dopamine deficiency, or progesterone deficiency, their prolactin will increase, and that will decrease the function of the pituitary’s production of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

The imbalance will show up on your labs, perhaps, if you’re lucky, as the TSH is low, but not quite out of the reference range.  This is why it’s important to know that there are “optimal” or “functional” levels.  .

Prolactin also suppresses luteinizing hormone (LH) in women.  Excess prolactin can cause infertility.  In men, excess prolactin depresses testosterone so they have low libido.  High prolactin can cause tumors that are called prolactinomas.

The bottom line is that excess levels of prolactin, whether caused either by a tumor or some other problem, can suppress your thyroid function and suppressed thyroid function can cause chronic fatigue and pain!


Don’t suffer another minute!  Call our office at 757 363-8571 and schedule a Free consultation with Dr. Scott.  Call now, space is limited!