This is a great smoothie 1/2 cup mixed berries 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 1 tablespoon coconut oil or Medium chain triglyceride oil 1 cup coconut milk or almond milk or blend Blend with hand blender or conventional blender and enjoy. This drink is a powerful antioxidant it can supply many health benefits such as; help you lose…
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As some of you may know I am an advocate for natural health and I believe that the sun is natural. The sun is the giver of life all living creatures on the planet evolved with the sun we need sun to live without the sun we would all die. I believe that responsible sun exposure is vital to health…
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Health care is is mess. Our current system is a disease treatment system with no competition. Special interests have a stangle hold on all of us and we let them have it. The special interst groups have money and power and in the US the golden rule applies those with the gold make the rules. last I checked we still…
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This article exposes the truth in labeling and why we all need to be educated about what labels mean.
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The future of health care 2 The future of health care, this is a big topic and I am going to go at it one piece at a time. The wellness revolution is based on the basic understanding of what health is, and what it takes to be healthy. When we are healthy our bodies resist disease. Disease is a…
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Everyone has a calling, mine is healthcare, when I say health care, I mean true health care. Our healthcare system in America is actually a sick care system treating a diagnosis, in order to get a diagnosis you must have a condition or disease to match the symptoms with the diagnosis. This is the sick care system we live in.…
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What is Functional Medicine? Functional medicine is a medical approach that focuses on identifying the causes of disease rather than treating the symptoms. It seeks to understand the origins of chronic disease so that meaningful treatment and prevention methods can be developed and implemented. The functional medicine approach is a partnership between the patient and the doctor. The goal of…
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Know the “TRUE” Blood Sugar/Blood Glucose Ranges! Lab testing ranges are EXTREMELY BROAD! From a medical standpoint, normal blood glucose levels have a broad range of 70 to 105, while functional or optimal blood glucose level ranges are 85 to 99. According to the American Diabetic Association, a blood sugar level reading of 106 to 126 is termed “insulin…
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Insulin is not the ultimate “CURE” that everyone thinks it is…READ ON! Insulin is not the “answer” to type 2 diabetes because insulin causes inflammation which is not good if you are a diabetic. When you inject insulin, you are basically injecting yourself with inflammation which is a HUGE risk factor for stroke and a heart attack! By injecting…
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The Truth about HgbA1C! HgbA1C is considered the “best” marker of blood sugar level by many doctors. Sugar is sticky both outside of the body AND inside of the body. Red blood cells float around in the body for 3 months before they die off. We can measure how much sugar the red blood cells have picked up by…
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